Salam luar biasa! Selamat datang di perkuliahan Fitogeografi Pohon Fakultas Kehutanan UGM. Minggu ini merupakan pertemuan kita pertama. Seharusnya kesan pertama begitu menggoda bukan š Sayangnya tugas menyeleksi
Presentasi Tugas Merangkum Matakuliah Fitogeografi Pohon, 10 Mei 2016 Beberapa hal yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian oleh 4 presenter hari ini: Pentingnya menampilkan ciri khas dari setiap jenis pohon.
Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat kaya akan keanekaragaman hayati, baik flora maupun fauna. Pada hari ini kita mengenal juga terminologi mengenaiĀ jenis asli, jenis endemik,
Bocoran soal? Bukan, ini bukanlah bocoran soal Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Matakuliah Fitogeografi Pohon. Bukankah pada perkuliahan terakhir sudah disampaikan mengenai kisi-kisi soal UAS
Silahkan men-download materi kuliah Fitogeografi Pohon berikut ini: Flora Pohon Pegunungan MK Fitogeografi Pohon Kehutanan UGM Sejarah Flora Dunia MK Fitogeografi Pohon Kehutanan UGM .
In 1993 Faculty of Forestry UGM has been established the provenans trial of cendana (Santalum album L.) from seven seed sources in compartment 17 Wanagama I Gunungkidul. Until
Tracking is an exciting step to combine the introduction of forestry objects combined with the practice of English with a fun way. The purpose of this activity is
A test plantation is one of the conventional improvement techniques. It provides early important information to the selection program. Nevertheless, it needs a long time to gain conclusion
Populations of tree species used in the boat building, mainly bitti (Vitex cofassus) continually decreasing rapidly because of high demand and reason related to deforestation. Ā In fact some
Most of students identify dendrology as course with a lot of memorization and latin terms. The material which studied on the various components of the introduction of species,
Bantul is one of four regencies and city in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. Hills in the eastern and western, plain in the middle and coast in the southern
Indonesia is one of countries with the threat of tropical deforestation in the world’s worst. The damage caused by various factors, including: illegal logging, over-exploitation, fire, and land
Dendrology is compulsory subjects of faculty with 3 Credits (2.1). Besides to attend lectures, students are required to participate the practicum in order to improve understanding of the
Kayan River is a major river in Bulungan, East Kalimantan Province. This river was inhabited and dominated by dayak tribes as indegenous people. River plays an important role
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