The Useful Plant of Dayak Bulungan Tribe on TPTII’s Camping Work in PT. IKANI, East Kalimantan

Indonesia is one of countries with the threat of tropical deforestation in the world’s worst. The damage caused by various factors, including: illegal logging, over-exploitation, fire, and land conversion. Therefore, it is necessary actions to rescue and rehabilitate forests involving all stakeholders. Cooperation between the Ministry of Forestry Republic of Indonesia, PT. IKANI and Faculty of

Forestry UGM in trials Indonesian Selective Cutting and Intensive Planting (TPTII) is one of the collaborative effort for development in order to achieve optimal results of timber plantations. In practice, PT. IKANI involves community of Dayak Bulungan residing in the vicinity of the company, such as labor. During work TPTII camping in the woods, community of Dayak Bulungan are also utilizing plants around it to meet various needs. This study aims to determine the types of plants and their use by the Dayak Bulungan during TPTII camping work.

The study was conducted in November 2005-January 2006 in UKKU PT. IKANI. Data obtained by observing nine camp workers, identifying, collecting and documenting the types of plants and various forms of utilization, and conduct interviews. To ensure the plant in question, the description of morphological characteristics of plants in the field and herbarium specimen was also performed. Description, documentation and herbarium specimens are identified and determined at Laboratory of Dendrology, Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University.

The results showed that there are 12 species of plants useful for the Dayak community during camping work in PT IKANI. Plants can be classified into five functions, namely: as a source of food, camping and furniture making materials, tools, craft materials, as well as hunting tools.

Key words: useful plant, Dayak Bulungan, camping, TPTII


Syahbudin, A. (2006) The Useful Plant of Dayak Bulungan Tribe on TPTII’s Camping Work in PT. IKANI, East Kalimantan. Paper on National Seminar ‘Natural Resources Management for Community Prosperity Development Based on Local Wisdom,’ UKDW, Indonesia. [Indonesian Language]